In case of absence without leave, the student on returning to school must have the reason of absence certified very briefly by his/ her parents in the school diary on the page set aside for it. Students returning to school after a contagious or an infectious disease should also produce a doctor’s certificate that they are free from infection. The school accepted no responsibility if the student due to failure in producing such a certificate is obliged to return home during class hours.
As a rule not more than three days leave of absence will be granted to attend the wedding of a brother or sister and half day for a more distant relation.
Repeated absence for feasts, wedding etc. renders the student liable for dismissal.
Leave notes and other notes for permission should be addressed to the Principal alone and must give specific and not general reasons. Hence reasons such as sick / ill, not well etc. are not enough. The name, class and Section of the child must be clearly stated on top of the application.
Those who have been sent away from the school or have been struck off the rolls, are as a rule not re-admitted. If re-admitted, they will have to pay the Re-admission Fee again.
All pupils must return after the Holidays on the reopening day of the vacation. Those who return late after the holidays will be fined Rs. 5/- per day of absence. Those who are absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate before they are admitted to class.
Absence for more than three class days without prior notice renders the pupil liable to be struck off the rolls, Re-admission if granted will be done on payment of an admission fee of Rs. 200/- plus a fine for three fortnight.